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Med hensyn til ledertyper, så er det en kompleks diskussion. Et videnskabeligt studie siger følgende:
"Therefore, coaches should not solely focus on the team captain, but spend time and effort to identify the other athlete leaders on the different leadership roles within their team. It is conceivable that identifying the athlete leaders within the team will enhance players’ role clarity and, as such, also the effectiveness of their role fulfillment (Crozier et al., 2013; Martens, 1987). In other words, if players realize that teammates perceive them as a leader, this recognition will strengthen their sense of responsibility, thereby motivating them to fulfill their leadership role even better. However, coaches and sport psychology consultants should not only identify the key leaders, but also invest time and energy to improve the leadership qualities of these athlete leaders with respect to the different leadership roles. In this regard, leadership development programs that focus on how athlete leaders can optimally fulfill the different roles would support coaches and sport psychology consultants to strengthen the athlete leadership quality within their team.
Nu er vi videre, og så må vi tage ved lære af, hvordan sådanne kampe skal (ikke) spilles. Der er ingen grund til at male fanden på væggen, for vi er videre. Jeg tænker, at vi af og til godt kan være lidt mere resultatorienterede frem for at kigge på processen. Hvis vi sætter vores forventninger for højt i forhold til processen, så kan det hurtigt koste på selvtillidskontoen, hvis vi ikke spiller bragende flot fodbold.